We will check all the products that we are buying id fake or real. But if you buy a electronic device how will you check whether that device is fake or original. While considering the pendrive we will confim that the pendrive is fake only if the there is data in the pendrive and it shows that there is no data. Then only we realizes that the pendrive is fake. It is also depends on the read and the write speed of the pendrive. If the read and the write speed of the pendrive is slow then we can confirm that the pendrive is going to die.
There are some of the useful ways to check whether the externam device that you are attaching to the computer is fake or original.
Pen drive is the most useful things in today's Computer world.We are using the pen drive to transfer the data from one device to another device.Do you think that your pen drive has the real memory that is 8gb,16g? Is your pen drive is real or fake? You can check your external device is real or fake.
There are some of the useful ways to check whether the externam device that you are attaching to the computer is fake or original.
Pen drive is the most useful things in today's Computer world.We are using the pen drive to transfer the data from one device to another device.Do you think that your pen drive has the real memory that is 8gb,16g? Is your pen drive is real or fake? You can check your external device is real or fake.
- First you need to delete all the files in your pen drive.
- Then Download H2testw.exe here and then run the .exe file.
- Then select the Target Drive in the software and select your pen drive ex.h
- After selecting your respected drive the click Write+verify.Then wait for seconds
- After verifying If your pen drive is original you will get the message "Test completed without errors".
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